seriously, is that the saddest face you've ever seen??!!
when friend brooke told me last week that her little boy (2 weeks younger than owey) cut his first tooth i really felt bad for her. i mean really, isn't 4 months way too young to have to endure such torture?
to my surprise, i noticed last wednesday something VERY sharp in o's mouth. could it be??
i was actually relieved because he already had a tooth coming through but had not seemed to be fussy at all! "what a good boy!" i thought.
i thought wrong. oh so wrong.
this week has been quite a different story. he is miserable with a capital M! yesterday he cried for 4 hours! that is just not like my owey o. for the most part, he is a very happy baby as long as he sleeps and eats. now, not so much.
i mean just look at that little face!! and he looks at me like i'm the one causing all the pain and why can't i fix it!!??! oh i wish i could! we've tried tylenol, we've tried orajel, we've tried cold teethers (i've tried taking pictures - not so effective)... what more can a helpless mom do? to make it worse, he is not taking good naps (thank goodness he's still sleeping well at night - knock on wood) and so he is cranky all day long. poor guy! any experts out there to help a sister out?
or are you going to tell me what i dread - suck it up.... teething just bites.
1 comment:
poor kid! it lasts for the next two years. good luck. frozen corn and peas works for my babies.
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