Sunday, June 14, 2009


no one speaks owenese? not even a guess?


Justin + kelly said...

ok, here it goes:
1. no idea!
2. lunch?
3. whoa, thats a big one
4. hi brother
5. i want this
6. thank you
7. hungry
8. teeth
9. again, i have no idea!!
10. night... love you

are you going to post a translation?

Sharlie Kaltenbach said...

I had them all written down on a piece of paper yesterday and then I got side tracked and now I can't find it... Oh well, I'll try again.

1. open it
2. lunch
3. whoaa, that's a big one
4. hi henry
5. i want this
6. thank you
7. hungry
8. teeth ?
9. carry it myself ? music ?
10. good night, i love you

How'd I do? Harrison has his own language too but thankfully he has yet to say don't!! He also is getting very good at pronouncing his words, for instance, hearing him say fire extinguisher is hilarious because he says it pretty much perfect! We also sing Love One Another a lot and he perfectly pronounces Commandment and Disciple and Ryan and I obviously get a kick out of it. We're back from our trip, I'll call you soon! Love, me

amy said...

I'll take a stab at it (trying to not look at the previous guesses on my right). :)

1. open or amen
2. lunch
3. whoa...that's a big one
4. hi henry
5. I want this
6. thank you
7. hungry
8. teeth
9. ???
10. you

How did I do??