Monday, May 26, 2008

the sun finally came out!

after a few weeks of gray skies and even rain (the nerve!), when the sun finally came out last week we had to get to the park to try out the swing. owey was soo calm and contemplative. he was intrigued by everything - the grass, the sand, the other kids. he really could have been content for hours! we finally got a turn at the swing after the russian nanny on the cell phone gave up both baby swings after an hour of pushing 2 little girls who looked ready to puke by the end. (no, i wasn't bitter.) i just couldn't resist snapping a million pictures of owey's first swing ride. i'll spare you and only post my favorites:

so serious!

1 comment:

Angelina Christina said...

Lissy just adores the swings-she laughs and laughs every time she swings toward me.
Owey is so cute-he's trying to walk too-lissy is still wiggling her way around, not even really crawling, but she's our princess so she doesn't think she has to-princess' are carried around.