Wednesday, February 13, 2008

in case you didn't know...

my sis recently told me about something that has made blog stalking sooo much easier. before, i used to click on links several times a day desperately searching for an updated blog. now i have a website that can be OCD for me! and since some of you admitted to me that you check my blog every day (thanks for the roll call by the way-- i appreciate you coming clean...hee hee) i thought i would help you out.
it's called and i love it.

check it out. you can "subscribe" to blogs like you would subscribe to national geographic or the wallstreet journal or even US weekly (uh-heeem... mique and erika) . this way all you have to do is check bloglines to see which blogs you check up on have been updated rather than tediously clicking on each individual blog only to see the same darn post over and over. (annoying!!)
cool, huh? i know, you'll thank me later. (and by the way, if you go to the bottom of this page there is a "subscribe with bloglines" button that can get you started. you're welcome.
i must caution you, however. this new system could lead to more blog stalking and sometimes subscribing to people's blogs that you've never even met, and maybe even knowing more about them than you should know about a perfect stranger. for reals. it's kind of weird when you think about it.
and some of you have asked how i know who visits my blog. i don't know exactly who, but there are a few things that can help to see what kind of action you're getting. the first is google analytics. just type it into google and you can basically get a report for your blog each day to show how many hits you got and where from. this is how i know that there was someone from alaska checking out my blog and i don't know anyone in alaska. there are all kinds of reports you can find - even keywords typed in a search engine that led people to your posts. for example, the most common keyword for my running blog is "peed my pants." awesome. has something similar. lastly, the maploco map on my sidebar shows how many people visited each day and from where (today someone from Iran visited!! random!!) you can add a map to your page by clicking on "create your own visitor map." so, there you have it. tips from a blog-a-holic.


brooke said...

Ok first of all you are WELCOME for making the post that gets the most search engine hits. I am so glad that peeing in my pants while running has led others to our running blog. Second of all, I somehow think there is something wrong about going legitimate with the blog stalking. It might take all the fun out of things. :)

Annie said...

I also love Google reader, which does the same thing but puts all the blogs you're subscribed to on the google page by your e-mails.

On the wacko google search topic: I once had someone in the middle east find me through googling "head cut off" (we had watched a ceremony in Guatemala and I wrote about it).
Um. Scary.

Megan said...

thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm off to get more addicted to blogging and it's tools. :)

Justin + kelly said...

thanks for the tips. i always check your blog to see the newest and cutest of lil owen. kelly aida from eugene, or

Justin + kelly said...

thanks for the tips. i always check your blog for the newest and cutest of lil owen. he a doll. kelly aida from eugene, or