do you have a linus? we sure do. owey is a sucker for his blankets these days and i totally relate. after all, it took everything out of me to not take my baby blanket on my mission (though i did have it all through college). now that i've embarrassed myself...
since Christmas is just around the corner (only 75 days!) i have been thinking lately about how to really celebrate this year. each year when the season gets closer i always struggle with how materialistic and commercial Christmas has become. of course i want to show my friends and family how much i love and appreciate them and get them the greatest gifts ever, but i still always feel a little unsatisfied and feel like there could be a better way to commemorate Christ's birth. this year, i've finally decided to act on that nagging feeling that i've had all these years to do something more, and i need your help.
how would you like to participate in a project to spread a little Christmas goodness?
how would you like to do something nice and thoughtful and use your talents to bless someone else's life?
how would you like to spread the word and get others involved so that your friends and family can be inspired with the spirit of giving this season?
here's the plan:
project linus is a non-profit organization that has chapters in every state in the US. it's mission is to "provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need” by distributing new handmade blankets made with love by volunteers. the great thing about project linus is that they accept blankets of all sizes and styles (yes, even the easy no-sew fleece ones!) and make it easy for volunteers to put their own touch of love into each blanket.
so, what does this have to do with you and me? you ask...
i think that between you (yes, you) and me, and our friends, we could really make a difference this season.
i've already recruited my amazingly talented and celebrity-blogstar sister to help (see her post here) and i am excited to see who feels up for the challenge. would you join with us to make Christmas a little warmer for some kids that could really use some holiday cheer?
so, before you go there, i know what you might be thinking...
"but, i don't know how to sew... i'm not crafty/talented/creative (insert any adjective here)"
LIES!! i know you are... remember this talk? you have it in you! i know you do! plus, i promise i will do my best to find quick and easy tutorials to help and i know that you will be blessed for giving your best effort!
"but i'm so busy during the holidays..."
i know! aren't we all? i hear you... but i know that if we can find a few hours to do something totally awesome for someone in need, our days will be lengthened and our efforts multiplied. and besides, it's only october! now's the time to get started! also- this can totally be multi-tasked. so you have 4 kids and they are bored out of their skulls on the weekend and expect you to be their circus clown... let them help you make blankets and take the opportunity to teach them about charity! crochet while watching the office and project runway! get your girlfriends involved and have a blanket night girls night out... whatever you want! seriously do-able.
"but money is so tight right now, what with the economy and all..."
tell me about it. i don't know that i've ever been on a tighter budget in my life, but i've been making that excuse for so long and that is exactly what has stopped me from having the kind of Christmas i've wanted to have for years now. so, i'm done with that one. plus, i know a beautiful blanket can be made for less than $10. probably even $5. of course, i could spend much more than that and get the cutest designer fabrics and all the bells and whistles, if i had the resources, but i don't, so i won't. i will find beautiful fabric on sale(let's face it, i already have tons in my closet that hasn't been used) and i will make beautiful blankets with love that won't leave my family hungry and naked. it can be done!
so, did i cover everyone? anything i missed?
of course i know not everyone can participate, and i completely understand. you know i jest. and if you don't have it in you right now, i get it (read - don't avoid me and feel bad if you can't). most of all, i ask you, blogger-friends, because i know the kind of people you are and i am excited to share in this spirit of giving with you for the next few months.
stay tuned for more details on what to do, but for now, let me know if you are up to the challenge! if so, and start thinking blankets and start recruiting!
much love friends...
love it! I'll get my boys to help too.
I'm in. I have tons of scraps I can make balnkets with rather than skirts! I have lots of flannel too.
Hey, I recognize that linus! ; ) I guess that means the "I don't sew excuse is out the window". No, seriously, count me in! Can't wait to hear the details. What a great idea Jess. You never cease to amaze me!
I'm in. Already started..... Thanks for organizing this.
I'm in!!!!!
You had me at, um.....well, the beginning. I'm in. And I'll volunteer my friends too. And I'll help recruit. yay for blankies!
Okay Jess, You know I support you in all you do! Awaiting instructions... I really don't know how to sew and don't have a sewing machine...does this mean I need to learn how to crochet?!?! Love you! I will do my best!
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