Monday, July 19, 2010

hi there friendly friends!

just thought i'd check in and let you know that i'll be blogging a lot more regularly over here. i'll still post updates here, but i'm giving it a go be more consistent in one place. would you mind bookmarking me over there, and leaving me a little love every once in a while? thanks! mwuaah!
p.s. did you see i've added baby lovelies to my shop? loooooove!!!


Becca's Blog said...

Cuuuuute headband. If I ever reproduce me a girl I will buy one for sure. Or, if I get a niece someday. They are so cute and way better than those ginourmous sunflower type flowers people strap to their baby girls' heads.

Amanda said...

I am going to show my Mother-In-Law your stuff. She has a gift shop in town and I just LOVE your stuff! A friend of mine is entering her stuff in the Heber Valley Days show and I have been helping her.. She is probably sick of hearing me talk about my amazingly talented cousin who makes the CUTEST headbands and necklaces! Seriously, I just love ya!

Kristal said...

Jessica- you are so talented! I'm jealous! :) I can't wait to see your baby stuff.