Friday, March 12, 2010

can you believe

that this little hunk turns 1 in less than a week?
party planning in progress... sort of.
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Melissa said...

Jess, he's so adorable. One of the saddest part about families moving away from the ward is that we don't get to see the children grow up. Maybe one day I'll get to meet your boys. I'll let you know if I'm up in Utah in the summer. There is a good chance around the end of June/beg. of July. :)

amy said...

what a hunk!!! hard to believe he's already turning one. where did our little babies go??

that pictures of him is to die for cute! i see more of owey in him than ever before. could it be the hair?

miss you guys!

p.s. are you really going to be in SD in may? if so, we must see you!!

Mom said...

Wow!!! It's hard to believe how fast the last year has gone!!!! Can't wait to see him and you all. Just a few more days!